Andrew Ng, a prominent figure in the AI business community, has released his latest innovation. Ng is a Google Brain cofounder, a Standford University professor, an AI business investor, and creator of a fairly popular machine learning course. Ng’s playbook is centered on machine learning and brings to light what can stop an AI project from being successful. He provides strategies on how to overcome those challenges such as gaining enough momentum with a pilot project. Also highlighted is that accurate understanding of the potentials and limitations of AI can help balance media-reported success stories and provide motivation to those without a deep level of AI knowledge. It is hopeful that the five main rules of his playbook can provide the groundwork for a successful AI company.

“The ‘AI Transformation Playbook’ synthesizes a lot of lessons I’ve learned leading and building these teams at Google and Baidu, as well as lessons I’ve learned discussing and interacting with many CEOs, including many outside the software industry,” Ng told VentureBeat in a phone interview. The playbook offers five main rules for how to transform a business into an AI-first company. Business executives interested in making AI-first companies face challenges and can make some common mistakes, Ng said. “If you train a learning algorithm and every single picture you show it is a picture of a cat, then it thinks every single thing in the world is a cat, because it’s never seen anything that’s not a cat before. And I think in a similar way, if you show executives a sequence of success stories but no failure stories, then it creates an impression that AI can do anything, and that’s just not true,” he said.”